Raisin is nothing but dried grapes. The word raisin is derived from Latin racemous, which means cluster of grapes or berries.
Raisin contains many nutrition value and medicinal properties like fiber, vitamins and minerals, they boost our iron level and keep our bones strong. Apart from all this raisins are the greatest for the snacks. They also have plenty of vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin B – 6, pantothenic acid etc.
In india raisin are mainly grown in Nashik, Sangli, Solapur in Maharashtra and Karnataka. Like india it is also growing in countries like USA, Turkey and South Africa are the largest raisin producer countries.
The process of grapes to raisin contains many steps and efforts like Harvesting, Drying, washing, drying, storage and packing etc.
Only india alone share 1.83% of the world production of raisin.
We are Chamunday International are the one of the finest Raisin traders and exporters from the India from many years. We know in market for out best quality and competitive prices for our agriculture product. We supply many types of raisin like :
Green Raisin [Pasas verdes, Зеленый изюм, Groene rozijn, الزبيب الأخضر]
Black Brown Raisin [Zwartbruine rozijn , Черный коричневый изюм, Pasas marron negro, أسود براون الزبيب ]
3. Golden / yellow Nashik origin raisin [pasas doradas / amarillas, золотой / желтый изюм , gouden/gele rozijn , الزبيب الذهبي / الأصفر]
4. Sangali origin golden raisin [pasas de oro , золотой изюм, gouden rozijn, الزبيب الذهبي ]
5 . Malayar Quality Raisin [ malayar rozijnen, زبيب الملاير , малайский изюм , pasas malayar ]
Beacause of the best quality and varieties of Raisin, it become our benchmark product.